Something different

Aerill Hassan

Assalamuaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Hi, I am ____. This update is not written by the owner of this blog.It is not hacking or changing things from what you can see, I called it 'something different'. Well, I actually wanted to write in my own blog eventhough it is not famous as this. however, this is mine:

As you can see, all of the posts I wrote there is written iun english and some are in Korean because I really like them. Back to the thing that I wanted to talk about, Last night, I had a good dream. A dream that actually related to me and my ex boyfriend. I pretty much miss him that I actually cried the other day in my sleep. Why? he was in MY DREAM !!!! this sounds obsessed I know. But it is not. that is the sad part. For the good part of it is that, we got into relationship back again! yayy! Last night. 
As for today, I woke up early today for subuh and walk to class quite early too. For this semester, I seemed to be a little lazy to go for CTU and BEL(english) class. Not like last semester that I was really excited for every BEL class because it is one of my favourite language. my oh my. Okay, more posts will go to my blog. bye.


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