Renovate Header Blog..

Aerill Hassan

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Alhamdulillah,bersyukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana dengan limpah dan kurnianya dapat kita bersama lagi. Berhubung dengan tajuk di atas,sememangnya untuk sesiapa yang perasan sejak malam semalam lagi angah telah menukar header blog DJH.
Gambar di atas ini adalah header yang menjadi pilihan angah buat masa ini. Angah rasa header ini adalah ringkas dan padat. Buat ke sekian kalinya angah meletakkan gambar angah sendiri di dalam header.
Rasanya suatu ketika dahulu angah pernah meletakkan gambar angah sendiri di dalam header. Walau bagaimanapun angah tak boleh nak edit keseluruhan blog. Angah hanya mampu mengedit header sahaja. Header yang angah rasa ringkas dan simple ini angah buat menggunakan aplikasi Photoscape. 
 Antara header yang pernah angah guna di dalam blog :-

Header yang angah gunakan sebelum ini. Ada gambar kartun lelaki dan bertemakan warna biru.

Header yang berwarna ungu dan juga terdapat 4 jenis muka.

Header yang menggunakan motif MUZIK sebagai latar belakang.

Header pada zaman-zaman awal angah berblogging. Sebenarnya tiada header pun,angah hanya meletakkan ayat dan juga kata-kata madah untuk dijadikan sebagai tajuk.

Begitulah apabila kita dah lama berblogging,kita dapat lihat perjalanan blogging kita hanya melalui header. Alhamdulillah,dengan pengalaman yang semakin banyak,telah banyak mengajar angah untuk menjadi seorang yang lebih matang. 

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The author will not be responsible for any comment left by the readers. Please comment using polite language. Thank you.

  1. Senangkan gune photoscape...biasa cikgu edit gambo tuk blog sek atau blog sendiri gune tuk header gune photoshop hehe..

    cikgu pon baru tukar header hehe simple ajoooo

  2. saya antara yg tak pernah ada header. kot :D baru tahu yg photoscape boleh edit header jugak.

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  4. New home construction has a number of benefits. When you're in the market for a new home, you have to determine if you want a new home or a pre-owned home. This means you have to consider costs and features to figure out where the best deals are. To learn of all the benefits, you have to find the right builder. Once you locate the right builder, the benefits become more and more obvious.

    When you're looking at new home construction, you have to remember that no one else has ever lived in the home. This means that you're not inheriting someone else's problems. Many people buy homes but don't truly know how to take care of them. This means that you may find all sorts of problems with wiring, plumbing and even cleanliness as you get situated into the home. With a new home, you don't have those issues.

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  5. New home construction has a number of benefits. When you're in the market for a new home, you have to determine if you want a new home or a pre-owned home. This means you have to consider costs and features to figure out where the best deals are. To learn of all the benefits, you have to find the right builder. Once you locate the right builder, the benefits become more and more obvious.

    When you're looking at new home construction, you have to remember that no one else has ever lived in the home. This means that you're not inheriting someone else's problems. Many people buy homes but don't truly know how to take care of them. This means that you may find all sorts of problems with wiring, plumbing and even cleanliness as you get situated into the home. With a new home, you don't have those issues.

    démolition batiment

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